Restorative Movement Collective

Are You A Healthcare Professional?

Struggling With Chronic Pain That Just Won’t Quit?

You’re in good company.

The struggle with unseen pain is genuine and can be overwhelming.

Enter your information to receive my exclusive Discover the Secret to a Pain-Free Life report directly in your inbox. Learn simple, yet powerful strategies to reclaim your active, pain-free life. Take the first step towards lasting relief.

Take Control of Your Chronic Pain

Your Path to a Pain-Free Life Starts Here

If you have tried literally everything from stretching to painkillers to manage your chronic pain to find out that the effects are at best temporary, you are not alone. The good news is that there are still other options available.

Work with a team that can help you develop a personalized plan that may include simple lifestyle changes as well as other therapies.

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is important to remember that managing chronic pain is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs along the way. But with the right pain management plan and support, you can learn to live a full and active life despite your pain.

Our modern sedentary lifestyle has caused many of us to lose some specific range of motion in our major joints.

Loss of mobility is NOT a normal part of the aging process. In fact, research shows that we have the ability to restore lost mobility and improve alignment well beyond what we believe.

Wellness is a journey of finding the tools and techniques to help us return to our optimal function.

Prevent the Onset of Chronic Pain

Prevention is always better than cure.

You can learn how to prevent the onset of chronic pain altogether. Our educational platform will educate you on the lifestyle changes, exercises, and habits that can help you maintain a pain-free life. By taking proactive measures, you can avoid the physical, emotional, and financial toll of chronic pain.



Pain is NOT an ordinary part of life! Pain is a sign that something is needs to be addressed. Chronic pain and stiffness can be managed with the right type of movement. As long as we keep moving, our cells will continue to regenerate and can adapt and restore much of the strength, flexibility and range of motion of our younger years.

  • Techniques that focus on slow, methodical movements help to release tight muscles and rigid fascia, rebalancing the tissues that support posture.

  • Building strength and flexibility supports our daily activity (functional fitness).

  • Resting and engaging in lower intensity activity provides the conditions for the body and nervous system to reset and repair.

Our Team

Dave Carter

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Pam Thomas

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Katia Sanon

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A Focus On Everyday Functional Movement

An at-home option to support your work with therapists, chiropractors, and other wellness and health practitioners to restore posture and wellbeing

Our Clients Say...

Carol M.

I began the program, with among things, stiffness in my neck. Could not turn my head further than 1:00 o'clock in either direction without some pain. Within four sessions I able to turn my head to almost 4:00 o'clock. The instructors are patient and generous with their time and I look forward to continue with the sessions.

Gloria W.

I’ve struggled with arthritis for sometime now. It got so bad that I had a hard time going up and down stairs. After my first session I noticed a great improvement in my mobility.

Suzanne S.

This program provided valuable information and a variety of new and simple methods for addressing my back pain and increasing my flexibility, balance, and core strength; I can easily incorporate these into my daily routine at home and accomplish feeling more pain-free and energized.

Paulette Y.

At first glance you might think that the program is too slow, however the slow movements wake up every muscle in your body. I have become more aware of my muscles and how to activate them to relieve pain. This class is very relaxing and a stress reliever.

Restorative Movement could be the most important wellness practice you have never heard about...


Is Restorative Movement for me?

Wellness and fitness require activity as well as rest and rejuvenation. Learning how to listen to the wisdom of our bodies will improve our quality of life.

Restorative movement is recommended for any level of fitness. High-intensity exercise requires some recovery time for maximum benefit. Beginners will benefit from learning proper posture and techniques to ensure their fitness journey will not be cut short.

I am in pain and am worried that this might make my pain worse.

Did you know that 80% of pain is caused by imbalances in the muscles, joints and connective tissue in our bodies?

Restorative movement with its focus on gentle movements to improved posture and alignment is the antidote to chronic pain caused by imbalances.

I am a high performance athlete, why should I focus on restorative movement?

Our bodies are designed for movement but in a balanced way. Equal focus on effort and rest allows the body to do what it does best.

Professional athletes find that rest and recovery are critical to longevity and remaining injury free..

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© Copyright Fiber of Life LLC 2024


The information on this website is NOT medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before making any changes please seek advice from a medical professional.